Frequently Asked Questions

This page has been designed to answer many of the questions that you may have. The more you know about our policies and methods of practice, the better we may be of service to you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Appointments can be made by calling our office directly. Please bring your current insurance card, photo identification, a list of any medications that you are taking, and a list of any questions you may have for your provider. If you would like to ask us any questions before your appointment, please call our office.
You will need to bring your new patient papers, which you can print out off of this website. You also will need your health insurance identification card and a valid Driver’s License. If you are being referred by a physician, you will need all medical records pertaining to the reason you’re being referred and forms from your referring physician may be needed, if required by your insurance carrier
We suggest that you arrive 10 to 20 minutes prior to your appointment time to allow time for any necessary paperwork. Please bring the following items to your initial appointment: a current insurance card, photo identification, a list of any medications that you are taking, and a copy of your immunization/shot record.
Please call the main number 815-469-2123 and access the front desk! Usually, if you are more than 15 minutes late, we will need to re-schedule your appointment unless the physician is able to work you in at the end of his/her schedule.
In fairness to other patients and the provider, we require at least 24 hour notice to cancel an appointment. Same day cancellations and no-show appointments may result in termination from our practice.
If you need a medication refill please contact your pharmacy and have them send an electronic request to your provider. This is the most accurate and expedited way to obtain a refill. If your pharmacy cannot send an electronic request for refills please have them fax the request to our office at (815) 469-2149. Approval of your refill may take up to 3 business days, so please be courteous and do not wait until you run out of medication.
For those needing a refill of a controlled substance please call our office. You may need to be seen by your primary care physician prior to your prescription being refilled. Due to federal regulations prescriptions for controlled substances cannot be faxed or electronically sent to pharmacies. Patients must pick these prescriptions up from our office.